
Name Password

March’s theme is: Studying!

Hello, welcome to YQO! We're still working on the board's design; this is the spiritual successor to ETCZO/SSFO.

Download this app on Chrome to use the Java applets! Otherwise you want to stick to Chicken Paint or PaintBBS Neo, which use HTML5.

If you find any weird bugs or issues, or if you want a username change, let ClefdeSoll know.

Due to high amount of bots joining, accounts without any drawn pictures are now automatically deleted after 60 days. You are welcome to join again if you haven't had a chance to!

Have fun drawing!


We've got a rotating banner! If you'd like to draw your own, here's what it needs;

- the size must be 900x200px and drawn here
- has to say "Yokoka's Quest Oekaki," "YQ Oekaki" or just "YQO"
- has to feature any YQ characters since they are the mascots (contact ClefdeSoll if you need refs!)
- include your username on the picture for credit!
- you can edit it as much as you like or make a different one anytime to replace it, but it's one banner per member~


Link back to us!
Enjoy the board? Leave a link back to us by copy-pasting this code anywhere on your website, if you'd like!

Yokoka's Quest Oekaki - A Drawing-Based Message Board

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[173] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: Affiliates Button | Time: 1h
Pic #173

Chicken Paint
ClefdeSoll @ Sunday, July 9th 2023, 8:00 PM
A friend started their own oekaki board and we’ll affiliate them so I drew this button for it :3!

[172] Artist: pantsyon | Title: ocs | Time: 1h 51m
Pic #172

pantsyon @ Saturday, July 8th 2023, 10:02 PM
ClefdeSoll @ Sunday, July 9th 2023, 7:11 PM
I love these! What are their names?
pantsyon @ Sunday, July 9th 2023, 11:05 PM
thank you ^^ the one at the very top is 6ix (six) and the one on the right is sulfer. the guy on the left has no name
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, July 10th 2023, 7:04 PM
I love 6ix's design and name especially! :D
masamunemaniac @ Wednesday, July 12th 2023, 4:19 AM
6ix is a cuite <3

[171] Artist: pantsyon | Title: thumbs up | Time: 3h 4m
Pic #171

Chicken Paint

pantsyon @ Saturday, July 8th 2023, 8:06 PM
ClefdeSoll @ Sunday, July 9th 2023, 7:10 PM
This is adorable!! *thumbs up* :3
pantsyon @ Sunday, July 9th 2023, 11:05 PM
thanks! :D

[170] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: I am so rusty on paintBBS oh my GOD | Time: 5m 42s
Pic #170

[View Animation]
ClefdeSoll @ Friday, July 7th 2023, 5:49 PM
HELL YEAH, I got paint BBS updated to HTML5! ENJOY
ClefdeSoll @ Friday, July 7th 2023, 6:03 PM
oh sweet the animation works too! if you wanna see how this has been drawn hehe (and how it took me a bit to remember where the fill option was)
masamunemaniac @ Friday, July 7th 2023, 10:57 PM
Animation works!!

That was one of the more fun things with oekaki, more reason to draw more here >:3
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, July 10th 2023, 7:05 PM
woo! yeah it's very exciting that it works now hehe, I hope to do some pixel art soon~ it's a fun applet for that
littlebird177 @ Monday, September 4th 2023, 12:45 PM
oh dang really? I had some extension making it work but it wouldn't submit. i'll have to try again!

[169] Artist: masamunemaniac | Title: too big hug! | Time: 1h 2m
Pic #169

Chicken Paint

masamunemaniac @ Monday, June 19th 2023, 5:37 AM
Raya and Papa for Father's Day! <3
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, June 19th 2023, 5:34 PM

[168] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: Soft apple | Time: 21m 31s
Pic #168

Chicken Paint
ClefdeSoll @ Saturday, June 17th 2023, 10:04 PM
I really should finish up the layout, so here’s a potential background image for it

[167] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: board updated to version 1.6.9! | Time: 3m 10s
Pic #167

Chicken Paint
ClefdeSoll @ Friday, June 16th 2023, 9:02 PM
I noticed today that Wacintacki had a new version and went ahead and updated the board! Enjoy!!

PS. I've been hoping they'll add the html5 version of paintBBS to the next one, but the thread suggestion is from 2020 and unanswered... it'd be so awesome though :'3

[166] Artist: lolitamon | Title: No 2 | Time: 55m 55s
Pic #166

Chicken Paint
lolitamon @ Friday, May 12th 2023, 3:45 AM
An ivysaur doodle to accompany Ae’s bulbasaur!!! One day I’ll learn backgrounds but today is not the day owob

Timer is a lie I kept getting distracted watching a botw2/totk stream :D
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, May 15th 2023, 5:48 PM
THAT'S ADORABLE! I love it omg TwT!!

[161] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: 001 - Bulbasaur | Time: 1h 7m
Pic #161

Chicken Paint
ClefdeSoll @ Sunday, May 7th 2023, 7:06 PM
Every once in a while I consider drawing every pokemon in order and then change my mind… but this one was almost done so take it :’P
lolitamon @ Friday, May 12th 2023, 2:45 AM
How cute omg!!!

[165] Artist: Shay | Title: #2 | Time: 2h 12m
Pic #165

Chicken Paint
Shay @ Sunday, April 30th 2023, 6:31 PM
Hi guys! :D Cool to see some other new posts on here! And thank you guys for your compliments on the last one. Also started reading Yokoka's quest, and I love it so far!

I miss webcomics and oekakis and all that from the late 90's and 2000's. ;-; So it's nice that this community is here~

Y'all have a great week!
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, May 1st 2023, 10:46 PM
Ahh you are so kind, thank you so much! I love your pieces, this is beautiful again ;;w;; <33
lolitamon @ Friday, May 12th 2023, 3:50 AM
Your art looks wonderful!!! I love the mood you set for this too!!

[164] Artist: pantsyon | Title: drawing | Time: 1h 23m
Pic #164

Chicken Paint
pantsyon @ Sunday, April 30th 2023, 3:41 PM
Shay @ Sunday, April 30th 2023, 6:32 PM
I like your line work alot! And the expression on the face eheh :P.
pantsyon @ Monday, May 1st 2023, 5:31 PM
thanks ^^
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, May 1st 2023, 10:45 PM
Hello, welcome!! I love this, your art is so pleasant <33
pantsyon @ Tuesday, May 2nd 2023, 4:01 PM
thank you :D

[163] Artist: lolitamon | Title: :3 | Time: 1h 13m
Pic #163

Chicken Paint
lolitamon @ Wednesday, April 26th 2023, 10:44 PM
Oh goodness long time no see o/!!!

I haven’t been in an oekaki in years and years so it was super fun to come back to one I’m a bit more familiar with! Drawing on a tablet browser is a bit buggy but I was mostly just testing some basic stuff anyways
ClefdeSoll @ Thursday, April 27th 2023, 6:56 PM
OMG LOLI, HELLO!! This is Aerius, I'm so excited to see you have found your way back here! Have fun, your art style has grown so much aaaAHH!!! <333
lolitamon @ Sunday, April 30th 2023, 1:18 AM
AE OMG HI!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to see you!!! I am super excited to be back :D

Thank you so much omg! It means a lot to hear that from you aaaa! ;w; <3333
Shay @ Sunday, April 30th 2023, 6:32 PM
Wahh your shapes are so cute!! :D Very noice <3
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, May 1st 2023, 10:44 PM
You totally made my day finding your way back I’m sooo happy
lolitamon @ Friday, May 12th 2023, 3:47 AM
Tysm Shay!!! <333

Aaaa me too Ae!!!!!<333

[162] Artist: Shay | Title: #1 | Time: 1h 9m
Pic #162

Chicken Paint
Shay @ Sunday, April 23rd 2023, 2:50 PM
I'm new here! :D Hi all. Just going to sketch practice some of my characters whenever I can. ^-^
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, April 24th 2023, 3:45 PM
Hello, welcome!! :D I hope you have fun drawing around!

This looks great! I love the mood, it makes me curious about the characters~ 
littlebird177 @ Monday, April 24th 2023, 7:40 PM
Love the lighting! The outfit on the character in the back looks neat, too.
Shay @ Sunday, April 30th 2023, 6:34 PM
@ClefdeSoll It's great having this place here to draw, thanks for having it here!! Certainly having fun :3

@Littlebird177 :D Thank you, I like her outfit too (perhaps should draw her sometime).
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, May 1st 2023, 10:44 PM
Of course, I’m so glad you found it! ❤️

[160] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: Meow | Time: 46m 52s
Pic #160

Chicken Paint
ClefdeSoll @ Sunday, February 26th 2023, 12:38 AM
Long time no oekaki, I’m so glad it works again!

[159] Artist: masamunemaniac | Title: Yfa & Raya & flowers | Time: 3h 25m
Pic #159

Chicken Paint

masamunemaniac @ Saturday, November 12th 2022, 10:45 PM
a little inspired by Chris's yurutto-inspired pic uwu
ClefdeSoll @ Thursday, November 24th 2022, 11:36 PM
I forgot to comment but this is SO CUTE WAH!!!

[158] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: that little button in the notice | Time: unknown
Pic #158

ClefdeSoll @ Friday, November 11th 2022, 6:10 PM
apparently da is going to shit so im going to host this image here now
masamunemaniac @ Saturday, November 12th 2022, 10:47 PM
it was a da icon this whole time...
ClefdeSoll @ Thursday, November 24th 2022, 11:37 PM
it was always drawn here but i had deleted it and linked from stash haha

[157] Artist: thecatherd | Title: Hi! | Time: 20m 52s
Pic #157

Chicken Paint
thecatherd @ Wednesday, November 2nd 2022, 4:51 PM
Hey all! Just wanted to post a quick doodle to say hi. :3 It makes me really excited to see an Oekaki again after so many years... I grew up and learned how to draw on them so it's a trip down memory lane!
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, November 2nd 2022, 4:54 PM
!! hello, welcome!! so happy to see you here :D

i also learned and grew on oekakies so its so important to me to keep this board up and running! I hope you like it <3

[156] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: Board updated to 1.6.8! | Time: 6m 22s
Pic #156

Chicken Paint
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, November 2nd 2022, 4:05 PM
hey all! I've updated the board to wacintaki 1.6.8! Chicken paint has fixed some glitches so things are properly labelled and I can use it again, yay!

masamunemaniac @ Saturday, November 12th 2022, 6:36 PM
I can see the keyboard shortcuts for everything... blessed update...
ClefdeSoll @ Thursday, December 22nd 2022, 8:19 PM
RIGHT?? I'm so glad they fixed it HAHA

[155] Artist: Chroncruik | Title: I haven’t used an Oekaki in Forever | Time: 10m 57s
Pic #155

Chicken Paint
Chroncruik @ Wednesday, October 12th 2022, 12:58 AM
This is super nostalgic because I haven’t used Oekaki’s since I was in Elementary School. Which was… 12 years ago. Ouch!
I love it though. Thank you for hosting this Oekaki! Would love to see who else is active. This image isn’t the greatest but I thought it would be a great introductory post :))
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, October 12th 2022, 7:10 PM
hello, welcome!! I hope you have fun here! This is SUPER cute oh my gosh!

I check it out pretty regularly myself, and there's another user that drops by now and again. Most people are active in the discord server these days! :D

[154] Artist: masamunemaniac | Title: Yfa uses Aerial Ace | Time: 49m 34s
Pic #154

Chicken Paint
masamunemaniac @ Tuesday, June 28th 2022, 9:38 PM
A quick Yfa, colour picked from the aroace flag <3
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, July 6th 2022, 9:23 PM

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