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March’s theme is: Studying!

Hello, welcome to YQO! We're still working on the board's design; this is the spiritual successor to ETCZO/SSFO.

Download this app on Chrome to use the Java applets! Otherwise you want to stick to Chicken Paint or PaintBBS Neo, which use HTML5.

If you find any weird bugs or issues, or if you want a username change, let ClefdeSoll know.

Due to high amount of bots joining, accounts without any drawn pictures are now automatically deleted after 60 days. You are welcome to join again if you haven't had a chance to!

Have fun drawing!


We've got a rotating banner! If you'd like to draw your own, here's what it needs;

- the size must be 900x200px and drawn here
- has to say "Yokoka's Quest Oekaki," "YQ Oekaki" or just "YQO"
- has to feature any YQ characters since they are the mascots (contact ClefdeSoll if you need refs!)
- include your username on the picture for credit!
- you can edit it as much as you like or make a different one anytime to replace it, but it's one banner per member~


Link back to us!
Enjoy the board? Leave a link back to us by copy-pasting this code anywhere on your website, if you'd like!

Yokoka's Quest Oekaki - A Drawing-Based Message Board

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[205] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: Welcome to your new home! | Time: 1m 42s
Pic #205

Chicken Paint
ClefdeSoll @ Thursday, April 18th 2024, 1:27 PM
that was easier than expected! welcome to your new home, draw to your heart's content again <3

[204] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: MOVING HOSTS! | Time: 2m 56s
Pic #204

Chicken Paint
ClefdeSoll @ Tuesday, April 16th 2024, 12:42 AM
hey everybody!!

I'm starting to work on moving hosts. I'll do a backup at the last minute before transferring things over but this is my first time doing this so make sure to back up your (new!) drawings this week just in case! I'll make a new drawing from the new host so you know we're all good at that point.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

[203] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: The rest of Yfa’s family but smol | Time: 21m 56s
Pic #203

[View Animation]
ClefdeSoll @ Saturday, April 13th 2024, 11:26 PM
More of them :3

I accidentally refreshed halfway through, it thankfully saved the canvas so I didn’t lose any progress but the animation and timer might be off because of it

[202] Artist: ClefdeSoll | Title: The Smallest Yfa | Time: 18m 1s
Pic #202

[View Animation]
ClefdeSoll @ Saturday, April 13th 2024, 6:49 PM
I saw a little eevee cross stitch and it made me want a Yfa one so I designed it here like this :3

Might wanna zoom it in

[200] Artist: Proxima_HD | Title: First little goober | Time: 23m 5s
Pic #200

[View Animation]
Proxima_HD @ Monday, March 25th 2024, 1:40 PM
Profile picture bc why not

((This is so weird- I've never been on an OLD old website))
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, March 25th 2024, 7:50 PM
hi hi, welcome!! I hope you have a good time hehe, let me know if you run into any issues and I'll look into it!

super cute icon btw <3

[196] Artist: Poliesss | Title: my oc | Time: 1h 18m
Pic #196

Chicken Paint
Poliesss @ Wednesday, February 28th 2024, 10:32 AM
A little something I wiped up for fun, also its my first time using this! yahoo!
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, February 28th 2024, 2:20 PM
hello, welcome to the oekaki!! I love this, great shapes and colours <3
Poliesss @ Thursday, March 7th 2024, 7:41 PM

[194] Artist: charmy2000 | Title: funny jumpluff | Time: 4m 13s
Pic #194

Chicken Paint
charmy2000 @ Wednesday, February 7th 2024, 4:41 PM
i like him
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, February 12th 2024, 10:07 PM
Jumpluff!! Hi, welcome! this is super cute~ <3

[193] Artist: niasssu | Title: first time trying to draw w an oekaki software, uh didn't go so well | Time: 15m 42s
Pic #193

niasssu @ Sunday, January 21st 2024, 10:42 PM
I do realize now, how messy my coloring style is, but I think that's ok tbh. Just a random doodle for now, to keep my account alive.
ClefdeSoll @ Friday, January 26th 2024, 10:43 PM
this is so cute!! welcome :3c

[192] Artist: Shay | Title: Usagi :) | Time: 21h 1m
Pic #192

Chicken Paint
Shay @ Saturday, January 20th 2024, 9:58 PM
Could use a little crop on the left, but it's been a long time since I drew Usagi and I'm happy! :D
ClefdeSoll @ Friday, January 26th 2024, 10:42 PM
this is great, she looks awesome! :D

[190] Artist: jennyhu | Title: me n my kid as pirates | Time: 39m 20s
Pic #190


jennyhu @ Wednesday, October 25th 2023, 8:04 PM
ClefdeSoll @ Friday, October 27th 2023, 5:17 PM
hello, welcome! I love this picture, hope you enjoy your time here :D

[187] Artist: willow | Title: owo | Time: 59m 25s
Pic #187

[View Animation]
willow @ Sunday, October 22nd 2023, 7:57 PM
i'm just gonna go back to drawing like this tbh
ClefdeSoll @ Tuesday, October 24th 2023, 7:33 PM
HELL YEAH, this is sooo cutee ;;w;;
charmy2000 @ Wednesday, February 7th 2024, 5:28 PM
SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!

[185] Artist: Kady | Title: Nyx & Milkyway | Time: 3h 32m
Pic #185

Kady @ Thursday, September 14th 2023, 11:15 AM
My eevee, Nyx and Pokesona, Milkyway! This was linearted in SAI 2, but I want tocolor in PaintBBS and finish here <3
ClefdeSoll @ Friday, September 15th 2023, 9:13 PM
this looks gorgeous so far! <33
Kady @ Sunday, September 17th 2023, 12:32 PM
Thank you!!
ClefdeSoll @ Monday, September 18th 2023, 6:30 PM
and the finished picture is gorgeous! i love that eevee's design <3
Kady @ Wednesday, September 20th 2023, 12:00 PM
Thanks a bunch!! I got the Eevee from the same person I adopted my Umbreon from. Pied characters are too much fun
renfief @ Wednesday, September 20th 2023, 3:45 PM
agreed, you've got some lovely characters, and love the colors, shading, and poses! the umbreon looks so tentative which is a fun contrast with the eevee's open expression, and the halftones work so nicely for that spacey background, it complements their markings in a cool way ^^
Kady @ Thursday, September 21st 2023, 5:10 PM
Aww thank you!! I always have such a blast with halftones
willow @ Sunday, September 24th 2023, 4:46 PM
aaaaah this is so gorgeous kady!! ur tones are always amazing
jennyhu @ Wednesday, October 25th 2023, 8:04 PM
Wow aboslutely amazing

[184] Artist: renfief | Title: i wish i could be that comfy | Time: 1h 53m
Pic #184

Chicken Paint
renfief @ Tuesday, September 5th 2023, 4:11 PM
for an arpg autumn prompt. just a relatively quick drawing with a limited palette since they can be fun sometimes
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, September 6th 2023, 5:08 PM
this looks sooo soft, I love it!!
Kady @ Thursday, September 7th 2023, 6:01 AM
They look quite cozy c: Great work!!
renfief @ Wednesday, September 20th 2023, 3:41 PM
thank you both! ^^

[183] Artist: renfief | Title: that ol' cel lineart + soft shading combooo | Time: 3h 44m
Pic #183

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renfief @ Wednesday, August 30th 2023, 6:53 PM
heyo! i'm renfief. i'd been missing original style oekakis for years and was thrilled to find this one through a search. i hadn't used the bezier tool in so long, it was fun using some of my old methods to draw ;w;
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, August 30th 2023, 11:16 PM
Hello, welcome!! it's always great to see new faces!

this looks really good and gives me awesome nostalgia, great work!! i hope you have lots of fun drawing here <3
renfief @ Thursday, August 31st 2023, 1:30 PM
thank you, nice to be here! :D
littlebird177 @ Monday, September 4th 2023, 3:08 PM
it's nice to go back to some classic tools! oekaki is a comfortable and nostalgic one for me, too. welcome and great bezier lineart!
renfief @ Tuesday, September 5th 2023, 2:07 PM
i feel ya, and thank you! ^^

[182] Artist: Shay | Title: Deserted At Sea | Time: 1h 2m
Pic #182

Chicken Paint
Shay @ Thursday, August 17th 2023, 12:03 AM
ClefdeSoll @ Sunday, August 20th 2023, 11:44 PM
Looking great! <3
Shay @ Thursday, August 24th 2023, 9:12 PM
Thank youz!!
littlebird177 @ Monday, September 4th 2023, 3:09 PM
the yellow sky and colors for the water really set a mood for this piece!

[181] Artist: Kady | Title: Sootchilla | Time: 2h 23m
Pic #181


Kady @ Wednesday, August 16th 2023, 11:57 AM
Uploading because animation messed up so I can't retouch. I have a feeling the animation only saves once for PaintBBS Neo. I'll probably give that a test later.

(Edited on August 18, 2023, 7:41 pm)
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, August 16th 2023, 4:44 PM
oh no, do you think it may have just been a cache issue? I'll experiment too when I can, keep me updated <3
Kady @ Wednesday, August 16th 2023, 9:03 PM
I cleared cache to be sure so it couldn't be :C
Shay @ Thursday, August 17th 2023, 10:16 PM
Wahhh I loved seeing this transform from the WIP last night to today! Beautimous! Love the cell shading.
Kady @ Friday, August 18th 2023, 7:41 PM
Thank you!! <3
Proxima_HD @ Monday, March 25th 2024, 1:44 PM




[178] Artist: willow | Title: Milkyway | Time: 5h 25m
Pic #178

[View Animation]

willow @ Monday, July 31st 2023, 10:56 PM
heya, I'm willow! this is a last minute artfight attack for my friend, tho I'm not seeing the final version here even after refresh so hopefully it updates lol
ClefdeSoll @ Wednesday, August 2nd 2023, 5:04 PM
Hello Willow, welcome!! :D this is usually a cookies issue which means a hard refresh will fix it (or clearing cookies/using a different browser)

It looks beautiful! And I know the character hehe :3c I love your use of tones!
lolitamon @ Saturday, August 5th 2023, 4:52 AM
hello willow!! o/

this came out so pretty omg!! i love the glow effects you added too!
willow @ Monday, August 14th 2023, 7:25 PM
thank you yall <33 hello !
Kady @ Tuesday, August 15th 2023, 1:53 PM
MY UMBYYYYYY. It's so nice seeing your oekaki art again <3 They look great in halftones! Thanks again for the AF attack!!
Shay @ Thursday, August 17th 2023, 10:16 PM
Gorgeous coloring, my gosh!! *0* I like the facial expression too eheh.
Proxima_HD @ Monday, March 25th 2024, 1:45 PM
*aggressive petting noises*

[176] Artist: masamunemaniac | Title: Kagamine Kate | Time: 3h 26m
Pic #176

[View Animation]
masamunemaniac @ Thursday, July 27th 2023, 7:39 PM
nemo's character for artfight :3
ClefdeSoll @ Friday, July 28th 2023, 3:31 PM
This looks so clean and crisp!! *w*

[175] Artist: masamunemaniac | Title: Copycat Cult Leader Kalliv | Time: 24h 27m
Pic #175

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masamunemaniac @ Wednesday, July 12th 2023, 3:21 AM
I had a dream where Kalliv was a cult leader for Copycat's cult.

His outfit was skeleton PJs with feathers attached to them. Copy's eye on the hood was real though :3
masamunemaniac @ Wednesday, July 12th 2023, 3:29 AM
(The feathers are not really Copy's feathers though...)
ClefdeSoll @ Thursday, July 13th 2023, 5:50 PM

[174] Artist: Cytric Acid | Title: Art Fight: Charu | Time: 2h 32m
Pic #174

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Cytric Acid @ Tuesday, July 11th 2023, 10:39 PM
hiiii! you got paintbbs neo so i'm here to do my art fights.
i'll make an intro soon, i just wanted to get some art fights done first
ClefdeSoll @ Tuesday, July 11th 2023, 10:40 PM
HI!! It's great to see you around, have fun! This looks great, your lines are always so awesome looking <3
Cytric Acid @ Tuesday, July 11th 2023, 10:44 PM
hihhi!! thank u <33 i love the old aesthetic of the 1px lines <3
masamunemaniac @ Wednesday, July 12th 2023, 4:19 AM
Very pretty :3
Kady @ Tuesday, August 15th 2023, 2:35 PM

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